Here Are the Winners of the March Art Competition!
NOTE: These are presented in no particular order. They are all equal winners, regardless of where they are presented in this page. The theme of the March Art Competition was “Change and Transition.”
by Uzel Howard
by Samira Noori
by Zuleyka Fermin
by Idris Adegbola
Poem by Rutyvens Cherichel
To be something you're not, Like being an extravagant hat on a rotting and rugged coat rack
To purloin an identity and to shoplift something priceless
Your mentality is focused on a beautiful fragment of a displeasing bigger picture
Being something you're not comes with a cost, and that cost is someone else finding you're not the person you say you are.
Lying is something mostly pardoned and forgiven but masking yourself, putting a dark shadow Over a blazing and vivid lumiere is somewhat of a lie from within.
And in the midst of all the glory and fame, you’re true oneself may be forgotten and left behind to Be thrown into the flame.
But worry not for it may not be too late, erase the paint before it dries to reveal the wall behind, Take off the icing to reveal the bright vanilla or chocolate brown cake.
Rekindle your true heart’s inferno and try being yourself for a change.
Being yourself is being honest with your true heart’s desire, without slipping into a vogue and stimulating dress,
But instead dressing yourself with a congenial and genuinely pleasing robe.
Letting your subconscious get a fresh and true self breath of the reality that's not the outlook you created for thyself
but the reality that is and roams around the old but precious memories of your brain.
So take off the mask for the most likely enthralling aroma passing through everyone’s nose is the true person cowering beneath.
Never be afraid to be you for as soon as the flip is switched and being someone else is the new norm,
A proceeding rebirth is enacted, the old ashes are forgotten and the act of being something your not will turn into a permanent imitation of your now unrelated twin
and now your true kindled and everlasting fire is ignited and flaring for all to see.